Array to string conversion
File: /var/www/kreatura/data/www/ Line: 986
Line 979: $this->saveState($args, $reflection);
Line 980: }
Line 981:
Line 982: $globalState = $this->getGlobalState($destination === 'this' ? NULL : $presenterClass);
Line 983: if ($current && $args) {
Line 984: $tmp = $globalState + $this->params;
Line 985: foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
Line 986: if ((string) $val !== (isset($tmp[$key]) ? (string) $tmp[$key] : '')) {
Line 987: $current = FALSE;
Line 988: break;
Line 989: }
Line 990: }
Line 991: }
Line 992: $args += $globalState;
Line 993: }
Application/Presenter.php (986) source ► Debug:: _errorHandler (arguments ►)
$severity | int(8)
$message | string(26) "Array to string conversion"
$file | string(82) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
$line | int(986)
$context | array(21) ► |
Line 979: $this->saveState($args, $reflection);
Line 980: }
Line 981:
Line 982: $globalState = $this->getGlobalState($destination === 'this' ? NULL : $presenterClass);
Line 983: if ($current && $args) {
Line 984: $tmp = $globalState + $this->params;
Line 985: foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
Line 986: if ((string) $val !== (isset($tmp[$key]) ? (string) $tmp[$key] : '')) {
Line 987: $current = FALSE;
Line 988: break;
Line 989: }
Line 990: }
Line 991: }
Line 992: $args += $globalState;
Line 993: }
Application/Presenter.php (776) source ► Presenter-> createRequest (arguments ►)
$component | object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) ► |
$destination | string(7) "default"
$args | array(6) ▼ |
$mode | string(9) "redirectX"
Line 769: * Conditional redirect to canonicalized URI.
Line 770: * @return void
Line 771: * @throws AbortException
Line 772: */
Line 773: public function canonicalize()
Line 774: {
Line 775: if (!$this->isAjax() && ($this->request->isMethod('get') || $this->request->isMethod('head'))) {
Line 776: $uri = $this->createRequest($this, $this->action, $this->getGlobalState() + $this->request->params, 'redirectX');
Line 777: if ($uri !== NULL && !$this->getHttpRequest()->getUri()->isEqual($uri)) {
Line 778: $this->terminate(new RedirectingResponse($uri, IHttpResponse::S301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY));
Line 779: }
Line 780: }
Line 781: }
Line 782:
Line 783:
Application/Presenter.php (181) source ► Presenter-> canonicalize ()
Line 174: $class = $this->reflection->getMethod('startup')->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
Line 175: trigger_error("Method $class::startup() or its descendant doesn't call parent::startup().", E_USER_WARNING);
Line 176: }
Line 177: // calls $this->action<Action>()
Line 178: $this->tryCall($this->formatActionMethod($this->getAction()), $this->params);
Line 179:
Line 180: if ($this->autoCanonicalize) {
Line 181: $this->canonicalize();
Line 182: }
Line 183: if ($this->getHttpRequest()->isMethod('head')) {
Line 184: $this->terminate();
Line 185: }
Line 186:
Line 187: // back compatibility
Line 188: if (method_exists($this, 'beforePrepare')) {
Application/Application.php (145) source ► Presenter-> run (arguments ►)
$request | object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► |
Line 138: } catch (InvalidPresenterException $e) {
Line 139: throw new BadRequestException($e->getMessage(), 404, $e);
Line 140: }
Line 141: $request->freeze();
Line 142:
Line 143: // Execute presenter
Line 144: $this->presenter = new $class;
Line 145: $response = $this->presenter->run($request);
Line 146:
Line 147: // Send response
Line 148: if ($response instanceof ForwardingResponse) {
Line 149: $request = $response->getRequest();
Line 150: continue;
Line 151:
Line 152: } elseif ($response instanceof IPresenterResponse) {
app/bootstrap.php (134) source ► Application-> run ()
Line 127: if (preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider|wget|nagios/i', (string) filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT')) === 1) {
Line 128: register_shutdown_function(function () {
Line 129: if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_destroy(); }
Line 130: });
Line 131: }
Line 132:
Line 133: // Step 5: Run the application!
Line 134: $application->run();
Line 135:
www/index.php (14) source ► require (arguments ►)
#0 | string(63) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
Line 7:
Line 8: // absolute filesystem path to the libraries
Line 9: define('LIBS_DIR',WWW_DIR.'/libs');
Line 10:
Line 11: require WWW_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Line 12:
Line 13: // load bootstrap file
Line 14: require(APP_DIR.'/bootstrap.php');
Line 15:
Line 16: ?>
$component | object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) ► |
$destination | string(7) "default"
$args | array(6) ▼ |
$mode | string(9) "redirectX"
$presenterLoader | object(PresenterLoader) (3) ▼ |
$router | object(MultiRouter) (7) ► |
$httpRequest | object(HttpRequest) (9) ► |
$a | bool(FALSE)
$fragment | string(0) ""
$scheme | bool(FALSE)
$current | bool(TRUE)
$action | string(7) "default"
$presenter | string(12) "HomepageNode"
$presenterClass | string(21) "HomepageNodePresenter"
$this | object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) ► |
$reflection | object(PresenterComponentReflection) (1) ▼ |
$method | string(13) "actiondefault"
$key | string(4) "vars"
$val | array(2) ▼ |
$globalState | array(2) ▼ |
$tmp | array(6) ▼ |
array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(FALSE)
"name" private => string(12) "HomepageNode"
"params" private => array(5) ▼ {
"action" => string(7) "default"
"lang" => string(2) "cz"
"s" => string(30) "Home/\think\app/invokefunction"
"function" => string(20) "call_user_func_array"
"vars" => array(2) {
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) ► {
"backlink" => NULL
"lang" => string(2) "cz"
"translator" => object(GettextTranslator) (5) ▼ {
"locale" => NULL
"endian" private => bool(FALSE)
"file" protected => resource of type(stream)
"dictionary" protected => array(48) ► {
"Byli jste přhlášeni do newsletteru." => object(Word) (2) {
"Další hodinky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Další novinky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Další prodejna" => object(Word) (2) {
"Detail" => object(Word) (2) {
"DÁMSKÉ" => object(Word) (2) {
"E-mail" => object(Word) (2) {
"E-mail *" => object(Word) (2) {
"E-mailová adresa musí být správná." => object(Word) (2) {
"HLEDAT" => object(Word) (2) {
"Hledat" => object(Word) (2) {
"Jméno" => object(Word) (2) {
"Jméno *" => object(Word) (2) {
"Kontaktní formulář" => object(Word) (2) {
"MENU" => object(Word) (2) {
"Mapa" => object(Word) (2) {
"Menu" => object(Word) (2) {
"Máte dotaz?" => object(Word) (2) {
"NABÍZENÉ ZNAČKY PRODUKTŮ" => object(Word) (2) {
"NOVINKY ZE SVĚTA WATCH DE LUXE" => object(Word) (2) {
"Na prodejně zakoupíte značky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Naše prodejny" => object(Word) (2) {
"Odeslat" => object(Word) (2) {
"Odeslat >" => object(Word) (2) {
"Pole označená * jsou povinná" => object(Word) (2) {
"PÁNSKÉ" => object(Word) (2) {
"Předchozí hodinky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Předchozí prodejna" => object(Word) (2) {
"Přihlaste se k odběru newsletteru" => object(Word) (2) {
"Souhlasím se zasíláním newsletteru" => object(Word) (2) {
"Telefon" => object(Word) (2) {
"Text zprávy *" => object(Word) (2) {
"Vyberte prodejnu podle značky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Vyhledávání" => object(Word) (2) {
"Váše dotaz byl úspěšně odeslán." => object(Word) (2) {
"VŠE" => object(Word) (2) {
"Všechny značky" => object(Word) (2) {
"Zadejte vaše jméno." => object(Word) (2) {
"Zadejte vaši zprávu." => object(Word) (2) {
"Zadejte váš e-mail." => object(Word) (2) {
"Zobrazit kolekce" => object(Word) (2) {
"Zobrazit více" => object(Word) (2) {
"Zobrazit všechny" => object(Word) (2) {
"Zpráva" => object(Word) (2) {
"Zpět na kolekci" => object(Word) (2) {
"více" => object(Word) (2) {
"Úvod" => object(Word) (2) {
"meta" protected => array(19) ► {
"Project-Id-Version" => string(8) "beArtCom"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To" => string(0) ""
"POT-Creation-Date" => string(21) "2014-09-24 18:11+0100"
"PO-Revision-Date" => string(21) "2016-05-02 10:11+0100"
"Last-Translator" => string(12) "Martin Lojda"
"Language-Team" => string(8) "Kreatura"
"Language" => string(5) "cs_CZ"
"MIME-Version" => string(3) "1.0"
"Content-Type" => string(25) "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding" => string(4) "8bit"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList" => string(22) "_;gettext;gettext_noop"
"X-Poedit-Basepath" => string(1) "."
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset" => string(5) "UTF-8"
"Plural-Forms" => string(55) "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);"
"X-Generator" => string(12) "Poedit 1.5.5"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0" => string(12) "../templates"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1" => string(13) "../presenters"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2" => string(9) "../models"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3" => string(13) "../components"
"loggedUser" protected => NULL
"oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE)
"oldModuleMode" => bool(FALSE)
"webConfig" protected => object(Config) (4) ▼ {
"locale" => string(11) "cs_CZ.UTF-8"
"aktualityNode" => string(1) "3"
"prodejnyNode" => string(2) "14"
"smallmenu" => object(Config) (2) ▼ {
"0" => string(2) "13"
"1" => string(2) "14"
"onShutdown" => NULL
"request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(FALSE)
"name" private => string(12) "HomepageNode"
"params" private => array(5) ▼ {
"action" => string(7) "default"
"lang" => string(2) "cz"
"s" => string(30) "Home/\think\app/invokefunction"
"function" => string(20) "call_user_func_array"
"vars" => array(2) {
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"response" private => NULL
"phase" private => int(1)
"autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE)
"absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE)
"globalParams" private => array(0)
"globalState" private => NULL
"globalStateSinces" private => array(2) ▼ {
"backlink" => string(13) "BasePresenter"
"lang" => string(13) "BasePresenter"
"action" private => string(7) "default"
"view" private => string(7) "default"
"layout" private => NULL
"payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {}
"signalReceiver" private => string(0) ""
"signal" private => NULL
"ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE)
"startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE)
"lastCreatedRequest" private => NULL
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => NULL
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ► {
"file" private => NULL
"warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE)
"onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼ {
0 => array(2) {
"params" private => array(17) ► {
"component" => object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) {
"control" => object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) {
"presenter" => object(HomepageNodePresenter) (34) {
"baseUri" => string(1) "/"
"basePath" => string(0) ""
"flashes" => array(0)
"langs" => array(1) {
"lang" => string(2) "cz"
"isHP" => bool(TRUE)
"loggedAdminUser" => NULL
"rootNode" => object(StructureBaseNodeModel) (12) {
"meta" => object(stdClass) (2) {
"currentNode" => object(StructureBaseNodeModel) (12) {
"claims" => object(StructureBaseNodeModel) (12) {
"news" => object(StructureBaseNodeModel) (12) {
"types" => array(2) {
"brands" => array(11) {
"filters" private => array(0)
"helpers" private => array(11) ► {
"escape" => object(Callback) (1) {
"escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) {
"striptags" => object(Callback) (1) {
"nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) {
"substr" => object(Callback) (1) {
"repeat" => object(Callback) (1) {
"implode" => object(Callback) (1) {
"number" => object(Callback) (1) {
"wysiwyg" => object(Callback) (1) {
"image" => object(Callback) (1) {
"url2link" => object(Callback) (1) {
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(Callback) (1) {
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0)
"params" protected => array(5) ▼ {
"action" => string(7) "default"
"lang" => string(2) "cz"
"s" => string(30) "Home/\think\app/invokefunction"
"function" => string(20) "call_user_func_array"
"vars" => array(2) ▼ {
0 => string(7) "phpinfo"
1 => array(1) {
"components" private => array(0)
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => NULL
"name" private => string(12) "HomepageNode"
"monitors" private => array(1) ▼ {
"Presenter" => array(4) ▼ {
0 => NULL
1 => NULL
2 => NULL
3 => bool(TRUE)
WWW_DIR | string(45) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
APP_DIR | string(49) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
LIBS_DIR | string(50) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
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