MySQL server has gone away
File: /var/www/kreatura/data/www/ Line: 162
Line 155: if ($this->buffered) {
Line 156: $this->resultSet = @mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); // intentionally @
Line 157: } else {
Line 158: $this->resultSet = @mysql_unbuffered_query($sql, $this->connection); // intentionally @
Line 159: }
Line 160:
Line 161: if (mysql_errno($this->connection)) {
Line 162: throw new DibiDriverException(mysql_error($this->connection), mysql_errno($this->connection), $sql);
Line 163: }
Line 164:
Line 165: return is_resource($this->resultSet) ? clone $this : NULL;
Line 166: }
Line 167:
Line 168:
Line 169:
libs/DibiConnection.php (319) source ► DibiMySqlDriver-> query (arguments ►)
$sql | string(402) "SELECT * FROM `db_structure` WHERE 'doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/' LIKE CONCAT(`path`,'%') AND lang='cz' AND status=1 AND ((`db_structure`.`publish_inh ... "
Line 312: );
Line 313: $event = $events[strtoupper($matches[1])];
Line 314: }
Line 315: $ticket = $this->profiler->before($this, $event, $sql);
Line 316: }
Line 317:
Line 318: dibi::$sql = $sql;
Line 319: if ($res = $this->driver->query($sql)) { // intentionally =
Line 320: $res = new DibiResult($res, $this->config);
Line 321: } else {
Line 322: $res = $this->driver->getAffectedRows();
Line 323: }
Line 324:
Line 325: if (isset($ticket)) {
Line 326: $this->profiler->after($ticket, $res);
libs/DibiConnection.php (237) source ► DibiConnection-> nativeQuery (arguments ►)
$sql | string(402) "SELECT * FROM `db_structure` WHERE 'doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/' LIKE CONCAT(`path`,'%') AND lang='cz' AND status=1 AND ((`db_structure`.`publish_inh ... "
Line 230: * @throws DibiException
Line 231: */
Line 232: final public function query($args)
Line 233: {
Line 234: $args = func_get_args();
Line 235: $this->connect();
Line 236: $translator = new DibiTranslator($this->driver);
Line 237: return $this->nativeQuery($translator->translate($args));
Line 238: }
Line 239:
Line 240:
Line 241:
Line 242: /**
Line 243: * Generates and returns SQL query.
Line 244: * @param array|mixed one or more arguments
libs/DibiFluent.php (271) source ► DibiConnection-> query (arguments ►)
$args | array(28) ► |
Line 264: * Generates and executes SQL query.
Line 265: * @param mixed what to return?
Line 266: * @return DibiResult|int result set object (if any)
Line 267: * @throws DibiException
Line 268: */
Line 269: public function execute($return = NULL)
Line 270: {
Line 271: $res = $this->connection->query($this->_export());
Line 272: return $return === dibi::IDENTIFIER ? $this->connection->getInsertId() : $res;
Line 273: }
Line 274:
Line 275:
Line 276:
Line 277: /**
Line 278: * Generates, executes SQL query and fetches the single row.
models/StructureBaseNodeModel.php (364) source ► DibiFluent-> execute ()
Line 357: if($cacheGetPathUri[$path]!==false){
Line 358: // neukladame neuspesne pokusy
Line 359: $cache->save('getByUri',$cacheGetPathUri);
Line 360: };
Line 361: return $cacheGetPathUri[$path];
Line 362: };
Line 363: } else {
Line 364: return (($row=$sql->execute()->fetch())?(new StructureBaseNodeModel($row)):(false));
Line 365: };
Line 366:
Line 367: }
Line 368:
Line 369: public static function getPathById($id_node){
Line 370: $result=dibi::select('path')->from('db_structure')->where('[id_node]=%i',$id_node)->and('status=%i',self::STATUS_ACTIVE);
Line 371: if(self::CACHING){
<PHP inner-code> StructureBaseNodeModel:: getByUri (arguments ►)
$path | string(26) "doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/"
$lang | string(2) "cz"
$preview | bool(FALSE)
models/StructureNodesRoute.php (38) source ► call_user_func (arguments ►)
$function_name | array(2) ▼ |
$parameters | string(26) "doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/"
#2 | string(2) "cz"
#3 | bool(FALSE)
Line 31: if(isset($params['lang'])){
Line 32: $lang=$params['lang'];
Line 33: } else {
Line 34: $lang=Environment::getConfig('mlcms')->defaultLang;
Line 35: };
Line 36: $showPreview=((isset($params['preview'])) and ($params['preview']==Environment::getConfig('security')->previewHash));
Line 37:
Line 38: $currentNode=call_user_func(array($this->nodeModel,'getByUri'),$path,$lang,$showPreview);
Line 39:
Line 40: // TODO: dodelat zavislost na presenteru - je to takhle dostatecne rekurzivni?
Line 41:
Line 42: if($currentNode->path===$path){
Line 43: $params['action']='default';
Line 44: if((method_exists('Structure'.$currentNode->nodetype.'NodeModel','loadRoutes')) and (call_user_func(array('Structure'.$currentNode->nodetype.'NodeModel','loadRoutes')))){
Line 45: $rootNode=call_user_func(array('Structure'.$currentNode->nodetype.'NodeModel','getRootNode'),1); // tady to pak rozlisovat, at tam nemusi byt ta galerie jenom jedna
Routers/MultiRouter.php (43) source ► StructureNodesRoute-> match (arguments ►)
$httpRequest | object(HttpRequest) (9) ► |
Line 36: * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object.
Line 37: * @param IHttpRequest
Line 38: * @return PresenterRequest|NULL
Line 39: */
Line 40: public function match(IHttpRequest $httpRequest)
Line 41: {
Line 42: foreach ($this as $route) {
Line 43: $appRequest = $route->match($httpRequest);
Line 44: if ($appRequest !== NULL) {
Line 45: return $appRequest;
Line 46: }
Line 47: }
Line 48: return NULL;
Line 49: }
Line 50:
Application/Application.php (119) source ► MultiRouter-> match (arguments ►)
$httpRequest | object(HttpRequest) (9) ► |
Line 112: $router[] = new SimpleRouter(array(
Line 113: 'presenter' => 'Default',
Line 114: 'action' => 'default',
Line 115: ));
Line 116: }
Line 117:
Line 118: // routing
Line 119: $request = $router->match($httpRequest);
Line 120: if (!($request instanceof PresenterRequest)) {
Line 121: $request = NULL;
Line 122: throw new BadRequestException('No route for HTTP request.');
Line 123: }
Line 124:
Line 125: if (strcasecmp($request->getPresenterName(), $this->errorPresenter) === 0) {
Line 126: throw new BadRequestException('Invalid request.');
app/bootstrap.php (134) source ► Application-> run ()
Line 127: if (preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider|wget|nagios/i', (string) filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT')) === 1) {
Line 128: register_shutdown_function(function () {
Line 129: if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_destroy(); }
Line 130: });
Line 131: }
Line 132:
Line 133: // Step 5: Run the application!
Line 134: $application->run();
Line 135:
www/index.php (14) source ► require (arguments ►)
#0 | string(63) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
Line 7:
Line 8: // absolute filesystem path to the libraries
Line 9: define('LIBS_DIR',WWW_DIR.'/libs');
Line 10:
Line 11: require WWW_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Line 12:
Line 13: // load bootstrap file
Line 14: require(APP_DIR.'/bootstrap.php');
Line 15:
Line 16: ?>
WWW_DIR | string(45) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
APP_DIR | string(49) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
LIBS_DIR | string(50) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
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PATH | string(49) "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
SCRIPT_NAME | string(10) "/index.php"
REQUEST_URI | string(27) "/doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/"
QUERY_STRING | string(0) ""
REQUEST_METHOD | string(3) "GET"
SERVER_PROTOCOL | string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
GATEWAY_INTERFACE | string(7) "CGI/1.1"
REDIRECT_URL | string(27) "/doplnky/montblanc-doplnky/"
REMOTE_PORT | string(4) "5341"
SCRIPT_FILENAME | string(55) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
SERVER_ADMIN | string(24) ""
CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | string(45) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
CONTEXT_PREFIX | string(0) ""
REQUEST_SCHEME | string(4) "http"
DOCUMENT_ROOT | string(45) "/var/www/kreatura/data/www/"
REMOTE_ADDR | string(13) ""
SERVER_PORT | string(2) "80"
SERVER_ADDR | string(12) ""
SERVER_NAME | string(18) ""
SERVER_SOFTWARE | string(68) "Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips mod_fcgid/2.3.9 PHP/5.6.40"
SERVER_SIGNATURE | string(0) ""
HTTP_USER_AGENT | string(71) "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +"
HTTP_HOST | string(18) ""
HTTP_FROM | string(24) "bingbot(at)"
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | string(13) "gzip, deflate"
HTTP_ACCEPT | string(3) "*/*"
HTTP_PRAGMA | string(8) "no-cache"
HTTP_CONNECTION | string(5) "close"
HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL | string(8) "no-cache"
PERL5LIB | string(49) "/usr/share/awstats/lib:/usr/share/awstats/plugins"
UNIQUE_ID | string(27) "Xo@SEcpjws4lyRoam5xoegAAABs"
REDIRECT_STATUS | string(3) "200"
REDIRECT_PERL5LIB | string(49) "/usr/share/awstats/lib:/usr/share/awstats/plugins"
REDIRECT_UNIQUE_ID | string(27) "Xo@SEcpjws4lyRoam5xoegAAABs"
PHP_SELF | string(10) "/index.php"
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT | float(1586467345.7394)
REQUEST_TIME | int(1586467345)
User-Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; + |
Host | |
From | bingbot(at) |
Accept-Encoding | gzip, deflate |
Accept | */* |
Pragma | no-cache |
Connection | close |
Cache-Control | no-cache |
X-Powered-By: Nette Framework